Visit of IDE (Japan)
C-NES is collaborating with a leading Japanese think-tank, Institute for Developing Economics, of the Japan External Trade Organization, in a study on the economies of the states of the region, their linkages with neighbouring countries and with New Delhi and the future of the NER with specific reference to the growing economies of South East Asia, BIMST-ERC, the South Asia Growth Quadrangle, the Kunming Initiative and the proposed Asian Highway.
A publication is proposed and will develop out of the work of seven leading academics and writers from the region. In August-September 2004, a five-member Japanese group visited New Delhi, Shillong and Tamabil (Indo-Bangladesh border) in Meghalaya and Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Digboi and Duliajan in Assam for discussions with scholars and businessmen, officials and political leaders.
Three Round Tables were held in Shillong, Guwahati and Dibrugarh to facilitate these interactions. They also paid courtesy calls on the chief ministers and governors of both states.