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Blogs on C-NES’ Work

Hanna Ingber Win, a New York based reporter, has been travelling on the islands of the Brahmaputra with C-NES’ boat clinics over the past days and has produced some of the most sparkling and dramatic accounts of the work we do. In a series of blogs for the Pulitzer Centre, which is funding her travel and writing about family planning and maternal mortality issues in India, Hanna, a cheerful and thoughtful individual, writes with devastating insight and a brisk anecdotal narrative that makes her work truly luminous and throws clear light on the stupendous task that the boat clinic teams, often unsung and unseen, are doing.

Her blogs:

3 Wives, 10 Kids Is Enough

Boat Clinics Serve India’s Isolated Villages (Audio)

India: On Remote Island Village, Health Worker Challenges Tradition


She can be followed at  twitter @Hanna_India

Hanna’s blog:


Sanjoy Hazarika, Managing Trustee

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